Child Witness Room for CASA of South Central Nebraska

As part of our Community Grants program, the Hastings Community Foundation awarded money to CASA of South Central Nebraska to add a child witness room to the Adams County Courthouse. A child witness room provides a haven to wait and stay comfortable prior to their court appearance.  It is located adjacent to the courtroom and includes a chair, a tv, games, drinks, snacks, and child-friendly décor.  

Prior to this room, children were waiting in the same lobby as all other individuals awaiting their court time. This can be very traumatic for children who are already nervous about their own court appearance.

“I simply cannot put into words the impact this room has had on children/victims” said RuAnn Root, Executive Director of CASA of South Central Nebraska. Root continued, “We are proud of it because we were the first program to ask for funding for a child’s witness room and this led to other CASA programs across the state asking their local foundations for funding for a child’s witness room.  Thank you HCF for being a bold leader in such an amazing project that I believe has now impacted hundreds of victims across the state.”

This room is used often for scenarios beyond child witnesses. Cases for domestic violence where the victims do not want to be waiting in the same area as their abuser use the private room too.