Once You’re Awarded A Grant
The Hastings Community Foundation does its best to ensure grant recipients are notified promptly following grant submission deadlines. If you are awarded a grant, these terms will apply:
Grant distribution for capital projects or other requests where additional funding is required may be held until all funding has been secured. If organization is not able to successfully demonstrate full funding, HCF grant will not be distributed.
General and Mini Grants are expected to be spent in the calendar year in which they were awarded.
Some grants may be paid as a reimbursement. Documentation for reimbursement should be submitted within 90 days of the expense or by December 31 (whichever is sooner).
A post-grant report is required by year-end. The report will be sent with the grant dollars and to the email address provided on the application. Applications for the next year’s grant application will be held until the previous year’s report is submitted. You can submit your report by clicking here.
The Hastings Community Foundation is honored to be your partner and support your work to improve communities across the region. This page offers you resources to help leverage this opportunity to raise awareness about your organization and its programs receiving funding from the Hastings Community Foundation.
The Hastings Community Foundation would also like to share the impact of your grant and how it has helped your organization do more good in our communities. You are required to submit a grant report following a successful grant application. You are encouraged to share compelling grant stories with us that include pictures from your programs or events, so we can promote our partnership to improve the quality of life in the Hastings area .
You can publicize your grant and the Hastings Community Foundation’s support in the following ways:
Display the HCF logo: When possible, projects should carry acknowledgements identifying the project as having been funded by the Hastings Community Foundation. This can be placed on programs, signs, websites, etc. You can find the HCF’s logo on our brand page.
Issue a news release to the media: This is an opportunity to tell your story through the people you help and the impact your work is creating in our community. Adding photos to your stories and articles will make your submissions more appealing to media.
Share the news with your broader community: Post the news on your website, social media (make sure to tag us!), newsletter, and in other publications. Please share any mentions of this grant with us, and we would be happy to share them through our channels as well.
Invite us to grant-related events or other programs: We can help spread the word through our channels, and possibly assign staff to attend and capture the event for our website or social media channels.
Tag us on social media: The Hastings Community Foundation features grant recipients on our Facebook page. If you post about your grant and/or any grant funded programs or events, make sure you tag us on these channels. We will like and/or share most grant-related posts.
When you receive a grant directly from HCF or an anonymous donor fund, please include the Hastings Community Foundation’s name in your materials: Example: “Support provided by a grant from the Hastings Community Foundation.”
Share your story with us: The Community Foundation is interested in capturing compelling stories to communicate the impact of the work we support.
Help us share your story with our community:
The Community Foundation features stories from our grantees in our newsletters, website, social media channels, and annual report. Help us communicate the impact of your programs by making the connection between your great work and the investment from the Hastings Community Foundation. Please be mindful of the following guidelines:
Please include one or two high-resolution images that represent your work and its impact. Before submitting your photos, make sure you have permission to publish and share them from any individuals appearing in the photos and from the photographer.
Submissions should focus on sharing the impact and/or lessons learned from a specific program or project that has received full or partial funding from the Hastings Community Foundation.