The Lark

The Lark is a performance and event space in downtown Hastings. In addition to being home the beloved Listening Room Concert Series, The Lark develops in-house arts programming and hosts visiting organizations as well as a variety of community and family meetings and events.

In the Fall of 2011, The Listening Room Board of Directors was exploring the possibility of renovating a vacant building in the heart of downtown Hastings. The Community Foundation heard of our plans and offered help finding a donor that could help us “jump start” our capital campaign. They connected us to Dr. Lloyd ( Sandy ) Ellis and his wife Eva, who are interested in music and historical renovations. It was the perfect fit and I enjoyed talking many times, long-distance, with Sandy and Eva, telling them our plans to save this beautiful building and fill it with music !!!

“The money we received from the Jeffrey Wallace Ellis Foundation via the Hastings Community Foundation, combined with other local gifts gave us the foundation we needed to brave a $1 million capital campaign. We are very grateful. Our beautiful performance space is named in honor of Idilla Jeffrey Wallce and Lura Lou Wallace Ellis.”

– Robin Harrell. Director