The Hastings International Exchange Organization (HIEO)

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The Hastings International Exchange Organization (HIEO) was formed in 1995 following a trip to Ozu by a group of Hastings citizens. The HIEO members maintain our connection to our Sister City in Japan and organize yearly summer visits by Ozu Public School students in home stay experiences with Hastings Families. The HIEO has also organized visits to OZU by groups of Hastings Citizens to experience life in Japan in home stay with individual families, to the benefits of all.

The goal of this yearly effort is to foster International understanding and education between different cultures.

The Hastings Community Foundation was happy to support the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the relationship between Hastings and our sister city of Ozu, Japan! A total of 35 Japanese visitors came for the festivities. The grant assisted with transportation and banquet costs.