Special Needs Fall Festival

The Evangelical Free Church is the venue for this yearly event, which is always held the Friday before Halloween. Last year, over 500 people attended. The Hastings Community Foundation grant provided for the purchase of some games/supplies/special needs equipment that are used to help special needs participants with eye hand coordination, textile touching, speech therapy, fine and gross motor skills, all while having fun. Materials purchased in the past include a floor piano, finger paints, bubble machine, sand, and play dough. Additionally, the games and materials are shared with other organizations/events such as the Hastings Public Schools and National Adoption Day.

A staff person shared this reaction from one of the special needs participants who attended the Festival:

“John told me that he loves coming to the event because he gets to hang out with people just like him and have fun. He shared that his disability check just barely covers his basic needs and this is the only event he can come to that is free and get to have all kinds of events and excitement. John stated a lot of people get scared around people like him and sometimes he feels that no one sees him. But at this event he is seen, heard, feels accepted and not judged.

“Thank you Hastings Community Foundation for funding this unique event for families. John is just one story of many that have been touched by the Special Needs Fall Festival.”