Chautauqua 2016: World War I, Legacies Of A Forgotten Wa

One of the most valuable assets of the Hastings community is the Hastings Community Foundation because it is all about community.

“The 2016 Chautauqua says so much about the value that the Hastings Community Foundation places on the people of this area. There is no doubt that Chautauqua 2016 would not have become the major “happening” of the summer without the initial commitment of financial support from the Hastings Community Foundation. It provided the assurance that allowed the local Chautauqua committee to commit to exciting, engaging educational programming that would come to involve a multitude of local organizations and community volunteers, all successfully working together. This is a prime example of how the Hastings Community Foundation finds ways to bring people in this community together; and people working together provide this community with remarkable experiences—the 2016 Chautauqua being one of the finest.”

– Betty Kort, Co-chair Chautauqua 2016

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